In recognition of his successful career, since 1909, in the automotive retail sales field, beginning with the Detroit Cadillac Motor Car Company of New York, where he remained for fourteen years, including a leave of absence while in military service;
For his activities as an automobile dealer, having secured an agency in 1923 for the Hudson Motor Car Company at White Plains, New York, and operating Ford dealerships in New York and Connecticut. In 1933 he joined Town and Country Motors at Greenwich, Connecticut, of which he is now President. He is a director of the Connecticut Automotive Trades Association;
For his accomplishments in the trucking industry; he organized the Truck Equipment Company, and is President of Truck Industries, Inc.; For attaining the rank of Master Signal Electrician — Aviation Section of the Signal Corps, after enlisting in the United States Army in 1917, and rated the youngest man ever to reach that grade.