Founded the Stutz Motor Company in 1910 and produced the legendary Stutz Bearcat Was instrumental in creating the Stutz Fire Engine Company and the H.C.S. Motor Car Company in 1919 Formed the Stutz-Bellanca Airplane Company in 1929 Harry Stutz became a roaring success in a single day with a car that became a legend during the Roaring 20s. In 1910 the Indianapolis Speedway announced plans for the first 500-mile automobile race in history…and Harry Stutz recognized an opportunity to gain a foothold in the auto industry. He conceived the idea of building a car that could be tested for the first time in the difficult 500-mile run and in just five days delivered his vehicle to the raceway. Aware of the race’s prestige and promotional potential, Stutz figured that a place in the top 10 would bring acclaim…plus thousands of dollars worth of free advertising. Stutz’s Bearcat finished 11th, but his goal was realized when his creation was cheered as the car that made good in a day. This performance opened the opportunity for Stutz to establish his company and to achieve a brilliant racing record. The Bearcat’s reputation as the vehicle of choice for wild youth brought success, and set the trend for using the automobile as a statement of personal style.