Formed the highly successful Nash Motors, which became the foundation for the American Motors Corporation
Served as General Manager of Buick, then as President of General Motors until 1916
Charles W. Nash followed his own recipe for success: “Determination, close application to details, plus hard work, and then more hard work.”
Even during his childhood on his family’s humble farm, Nash was highly motivated to achieve personal success. His innate talent and extreme frugality moved Nash swiftly to prominence at Buick and General Motors. In 1916 he founded the company that bore his name.
Unlike most auto makers of his day, Nash maintained a small parts inventory and achieved a quick turnover. He scheduled production and materials orders so closely that he typically had less than one month’s supply on hand. This practice gave him enormous flexibility in meeting the changing market demand and business conditions of the 1920s and 1930s. Nash is best known for responding to public demand by building a smaller, more economical and affordable car.
When asked the secret of his sales success, Nash responded with characteristic economy of words: “Selling is 90 percent a production problem.”